Object of the Day

Judy Garland's "Over the Rainbow" (1939)

June 10

Judy Garland was born on this day in 1922. Her 1939 Decca recording of “Over the Rainbow” reached the fifth position on the Billboard charts in 1939, and along with The Wizard of Oz, cemented Garland’s status as a major celebrity. The 1939 recording is not the version featured in the film. The B-side track, "The Jitterbug," was originally intended for the same film, but studio producers cut it before deciding on the final script.

Over the Rainbow; The Jitterbug

Description (Brief)

Judy Garland with Victor Young and his Orchestra. side 1: Over the Rainbow; side 2: The Jitterbug (Decca 2672).
78 rpm.

Judy Garland (1922-1969) began her musical career as a vaudeville performer, touring the country with her two sisters until the early 1930s. Having signed with MGM Studios in 1935, she was cast as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz at age sixteen. Garland’s 1939 Decca recording of “Over the Rainbow” is not the version featured in the film. The b-side track "The Jitterbug," was originally intended for the same film, but studio producers cut it before deciding on the final script. The record reached the fifth position on the Billboard charts in 1939, and along with The Wizard of Oz, cemented Garland’s status as a major celebrity.

Currently not on view
Data Source
National Museum of American History
recording artist
Garland, Judy
Victor Young and his Orchestra
recording date
Credit Line
Gift of Stanley E. Whiting
Physical Description
shellac (overall material)
overall: 10 in; x 25.4 cm
Object Name
sound recording
sound recording
Sound recording, Over the Rainbow