Object of the Day

Indian Pride Hand Drum and Drumstick

May 16 Indian Pride is a 2007 television series produced by Prairie Public Television that spotlights the diverse cultures of American Indian peoples throughout the United States. This drum made by Loren Newton, Konkow (Conkaw) Maidu, and Pete Gutierrez, Non-Indian, features the series’ logo on the skin and was gifted to the National Museum of the American Indian by the show’s producers at the premiere in 2007.

Hand drum and drumstick

Collection History
Donated to NMAI Robert Dambach (Executive Producer of the Indian Pride television series for Prairie Public Television) at the premier of the Indian Pride Series held at NMAI in 2007.
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Data Source
National Museum of the American Indian
Konkow (Conkaw) Maidu
drum by Loren Newton, Konkow (Conkaw) Maidu and Pete Gutierrez, Non-Indian; logo by June Kay Randall (JuniKae Randall), Turtle Mountain Chippewa and Scott Thune, Non-Indian; painting by Starla Carle, Konkow (Conkaw) Maidu
Robert Dambach, Non-Indian
Date created
Object Name
Hand drum and drumstick
Hide, wood
Stretched, painted
42.5 x 43.7 x 7.5 cm
Object Type
Music and Sound